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STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths)

Science Education

In St. Brigid’s B.N.S. we aim to provide high standard of Science Education which aims to:

  • Develop knowledge and understanding of science and technology through the exploration of human, natural and physical aspects of the environment

  • Develop a scientific approach to problem-solving

  • Encourage children to explore, develop and apply scientific ideas and concepts through designing and making activities

  • Foster a child’s natural curiosity

  • Help children to appreciate the contribution of science and technology to the social, economic and cultural aspects of society

  • Create an appreciation and respect for the diversity of living and non-living things, their interdependence and interactions

  • Encourage children to behave responsibly to protect, improve and cherish the environment

  • Enable children to communicate ideas, present work and report findings using a variety of media


Throughout the school, we endeavour to provide hands-on, experiential learning opportunities for our pupils to develop their scientific thinking and investigation skills. 


We take part annually in the Curious Minds Award initiative which encourages pupils across all classes to take part in hands-on STEM activities during the year.


Our Senior classes also take part in SCIENCE BLAST, an initiative which encourages pupils to develop scientific questions as a class, plan and carry out investigations and present their findings. This culminates in an exciting trip to the RDS where our senior pupils present their work. 

We have recently been awarded the SFI Curious Minds Silver Award and are looking forward to taking part in the Curious Minds Gold Level initiative in 2024/25.

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Technology in Education

ICT is valued very highly in St Brigid’s and in recent years we upgraded our internet and network access points across the school premises.


We have recently acquired new iPads, laptops, headphones and another charging trolley to add to our range of ICT resources. Along with our classroom interactive boards these new devices have enhanced the learning experience of both our junior and senior students and allow for the integration of digital literacy across the curriculum.


We use exciting iPad apps such as Chatterpix, Book Creator and Khan Academy Kids to make learning engaging and fun. Our laptops are used to access the wealth of online educational information and allow students to research topics, create eBooks and podcasts, and work collaboratively to present projects.


The staff and students of St Brigid’s would like to heartily thank the generosity of the AfterMATT Foundation for their donation of laptops to the school.

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St. Brigid’s B.N.S.

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Howth Road, Killester, Dublin 5, D05 A386  •  •  Telephone: 01-8336149

© 2024 St. Brigid’s Boys National School

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