Fáilte romhat chuig suíomh gréasáin Scoil Náisiúnta Naomh Bríd na mBuachaillí

A very warm welcome to the school website of St. Brigid’s B.N.S. We hope you find our website full of up to date news, views and photographs. The aim of our school is to create a welcoming, secure and caring environment which facilitates the nurturing of each pupil’s full potential. The achievement of this aim informs all of the planning processes and activities in our school. We endeavour to provide as broad a schedule of activities for our boys as possible in order to give each child every opportunity to develop his own unique talents. We encourage every pupil to engage fully with the curriculum as our dedicated teachers and staff work together with parents/guardians to ensure each child is afforded the opportunity to learn and grow. Teachers and parents share the same aim as partners in education – the wellbeing of the boys in our care.
As you will see we are a very busy school.
Enjoy your visit. Bain taitneamh as do chuairt.